How often when reaching for the Advil, Aleve, Ibuprofen or Aspirin have you stopped to think about what effects it’s having on your overall health?
For many, these NSAIDs are a go-to over-the-counter solution for that pesky headache, back, joint, or muscle pain, with most blissfully unaware of the potential side effects that these seemingly harmless drugs are having on our health, specifically our gut health.
You see, NSAIDs side effects are subtle and often undetectable at the time, and because we don’t notice them, we assume that there aren’t any. Or if after taking an NSAID, like Aleve, we do notice an upset stomach, we often ignore the link and assume it was just something we ate.
This is exactly why, in this video, I’m breaking down how NSAIDs work, their common side effects, and provide you with some alternative ways to alleviate pain, plus the steps you must take if you’re one of the millions taking NSAIDs regularly, to heal your gut, mental & overall health